A real ASSET

for social transformation

A Social Economy HUB

from Spain to the WORLD

Built to promote the creation 
of social economy enterprises

Because a society with more cooperatives with more social approach will be, for sure, a better society

Arizmendiarrieta was a visionary of the social economy. His ideas have influenced the world by combining economic democracy and social justice into a successful business model

That is why ASETT is much more than a Think Tank.

It is a Do Tank


3 fundamental pillars



To study the role of the companies reducing the inequality and Social & Labor inclusion of people with diverse abilities.



• To understand megatrends and weak signals on the future of business and society
• To design future scenarios about the role of business organizations
• To identify key factors for anticipatory collective intelligence



• To promote new businesses from collective entrepreneurship
• To generate more business, to make them bigger
• To adapt success stories to other territories

A Network of networks

ASETT wants to develop

three networks and interconnect them:



• To connect universities and research centers from different countries around the world.
• To prototype success stories
• To formulate the success recipe
• To adapt business ideas to other territories



Social Economy enterprises hide a great wealth and many lessons learned. We want to collect them and analyze the keys to their success and the reasons for their failures in order to learn from their mistakes, scale the successful experiences and try to adapt them to different territories.



We know that there are many public administrations working for the welfare of their communities. We want to offer them a catalog of Social Economy solutions that can be adapted to their legislation, financing systems and education.

“The only good idea or word is the one that turns into action.”

ASETT is much more 
than a Think Tank.

It is a DO TANK

· What makes this project unique is the vocation of entrepreneurship and WORK
· We want to reflect and GENERATE IDEAS but we want also to PUT THEM INTO PRACTISE

We have much to learn and much more to do.

We know it won’t be easy,

We know we will make mistakes,
But we still want to try because the world needs more social economy to move forward.
We therefore propose that you join us on this journey in the conviction that all contributions will be useful.